2022 cobra 280W Python 565 FULLY CAPPED

Phil (951)587-1010
We are selling our Cobra 280w python, mercury racing 565, XRSM DRIVE. 20 hours , all services done at prestige marine , JL audio sound system , 8 speakers 2 amps 2 12 inch speakers, ALL JL AUDIO UPGRADE , #ALCANTARA INTERIOR THROUGHOUT, open bow walk thru , Livorsi monster gauges , fully capped , one of the nicest on the water , turns heads everywhere. So much to list , going to sell quick , we have a title for boat and trailer , 951-587-1010, will be available to see in lake Havasu weekend of April 7 and April 21
#havasu #sandbar #cobraperformanceboats #summer #boating #performanceboat #sdmag #speedboat #deckboat #family #mercuryracing #eliminatorboats #suoercatfest #desertsorm #supercatfestwest #howardcustomboats #conquestboats #rdp #riverdavesplace #thetoysyndicate #parker #havasu